Welcome to Recontent.app

Recontent.app is an open-source software for product copy & email templates localization. It’s the best alternative to Lokalise or Phrase for companies that manage content & localized products.

A five-step product copy workflow

1. Create a workspace & invite all team members

Invite all team members, wether they are developers, designers, UX writers or managers to your Recontent.app workspace.

You do not pay a per-seat pricing, allowing you to benefit from collaboration workflows.

Set up languages & projects based on needs: apps, features & more.

2. Import content

Developers can use locale files (eg. fr.json, en.yml) to populate your project with existing phrases. See the full list of supported file formats to learn more.

On their end, designers can set up a Figma plugin to start syncing content from/to Figma.

3. Start collaborating on it

Product copy can be added & updated by every team member. Using AI, content can easily be translated or rephrased to move faster.

The email template editor allows developers to define the code structure while letting others focus on content.

To ensure consistency across a project, glossary terms & custom AI prompts can be defined.

4. Create destinations to ship content to production

Content updates can be manually exported from the UI or automatically pushed to AWS S3, a built-in CDN or GitHub using our GitHub App.

Developers can also build custom integrations to meet your platform's needs using our CLI or public REST API. For example:

  • A custom CI step can pull content with the CLI

  • Developers can manually export content to static files with the CLI & version it with Git

  • Custom file formats can be supported by using API responses as source of truth.

5. Your single source of truth is all set!

You've now set up a single source of truth for product copy within your organization. From design to production, every team member can contribute to improving your content.

Last updated