Versions update updates happen on a regular basis. Each new version contains comprehensible release notes about database migrations, new features & bug fixes.

Here's a recommended process to follow when updating your instance:

1. Backup your database data

If you do not run automatic database backups, we recommend to do so before updating If data is corrupted, you can always restore previous backups.

2. Run any pending database migration

A recontentapp-migrate docker image is available to migrate an existing database or a fresh one.

# Pull Docker image
docker pull recontentapp/recontentapp-migrate:0.8.1

# Run migrations against database
docker run --env DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@host.docker.internal:6033/recontentapp" recontentapp/recontentapp-migrate:0.8.1

3. Update your running docker container

Update the docker tag used to run your docker container to the desired version. Make sure to also add or remove any new environment variable that might be needed.

Last updated