
Setting up the database uses Prisma to manage its DB schema & migrations. A recontentapp-migrate docker image is available to migrate an existing database or a fresh one.

# Pull Docker image
docker pull recontentapp/recontentapp-migrate:0.8.1

# Run migrations against database
docker run --env DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@host.docker.internal:6033/recontentapp" recontentapp/recontentapp-migrate:0.8.1

If your database is accessible from the Internet, these commands can be run from your computer by making sure the DATABASE_URL environment variable is correct. For more advanced contexts, this Docker image can be used to spawn a container on each deployment or app restart.

On Apple Silicon processors, you might need to use export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

Running the app

Apart from its database, is packaged as a single Docker image that can be executed on Cloud services like AWS ECS, Digital Ocean or Google Cloud Platform.

# Pull Docker image
docker pull recontentapp/recontentapp:0.8.1

# Run container
docker run -p --env DATABASE_URL="postgres://postgres:postgres@host.docker.internal:6033/recontentapp" recontentapp/recontentapp:0.8.1

Environment variables

Here's the full list of environment variables that need to be passed to the application container to run successfully.

APP_URL & API_URL are usually the same. For example, if is hosted at, can be used for both environment variables.

You can choose to disable workspace creation on your instance. Once the first user signs up & creates a first workspace, it's no longer possible to create a new one for new users.

Google sign-in with Google OAuth2 application supports logging in users using Google accounts through OAuth2.

To set it up, follow the next steps:

  • Create a project on Google Cloud Console

  • Go to "APIs & Services"

  • Click "OAuth consent screen" & set it up based on your needs (internal or external)

  • Click "Add or remove scopes" & add the following ones:


    • userinfo.profile

  • Click "Credentials" > "Create credentials"

    • Select "OAuth client ID"

    • Select "Web application" as application type

    • Add authorized JavaScript origins based on your instance


    • Add authorized redirect URIs based on your instance


  • Copy the generated client ID, client secret & redirect URI to pass them as environment variables

Auto translation with Google Gemini Pro supports auto-translating & rephrasing phrases once a translation is available in at least one language for a given phrase. AI features are powered by Google Gemini Pro.

Worker with AWS SQS queue sometimes needs to perform tasks (eg. daily destinations sync) on a regular basis (eg. CRON jobs) which do not fit the request/response model. To ensure these tasks can be performed at scale, an AWS SQS queue is used for batch processing.

You can set up this worker by using the SQS_QUEUE_URL environment variable.

Using Google Gemini Pro

Google Gemini Pro requests are authenticated using a standard API key. Make sure to pass the GOOGLE_GEMINI_API_KEY environment variable. To get one, check out this documentation page from Google AI.

CDN with S3-compatible object storage has a built-in destination type called CDN which allows users to expose their translations on public URLs using various formats like JSON.

An S3-compatible object storage bucket (AWS S3, Cloudflare R2) is used to store generated files, which can then be accessed publicly behind AWS CloudFront for example.

The environment variable S3_BUCKET_NAME is used to indicate which bucket to use & S3_BUCKET_URL defines the base URL for bucket objects. For example, if your S3 bucket points to, should be used.

The AWS S3 SDK is initialized using standard AWS credentials retrieval mechanisms.

Make sure credentials are provided in one of the listed ways & that the following policy is used:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": ["s3:*"],
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket/*"

Last updated